Boolarong Press

AJ Jack and Vivien Wall

AJ just before shaving for Movember

Born in Sydney, AJ was raised on a steady diet of A.A. Milne, Lewis Carroll, Henry Lawson and Banjo Patterson. He has travelled to all seven continents but gets his inspiration from rural and regional Australia. He enjoys bushwalking, home brewing and photography. AJ lives with his wife and two Labradorable dogs in Little Hartley NSW.


Although Billy Carpenter has appeared in print and on CD before, this is his first outing with illustrations.

Vivien Wall

Vivien is a digital illustrator who has lived her life with a pencil and sketch pad in her hands, including 15 years designing for her own fashion brand and 20 years in corporate marketing. She has travelled extensively throughout the US and outback Australia and takes inspiration from the characters she has met along the way. Vivien now lives (and draws) with her three alpacas beside the Cox’s River in the Kanimbla Valley, NSW.

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