Boolarong Press

Pamela Galeano

Pam was born in Atherton north Queensland completing her secondary education at boarding school in the isolated town of Herberton. Unable to tell her conservative parents she wanted to be an actor she chose the most interesting profession then available to ‘nice’ girls – teaching. After all, one of the best aspects of primary school had been the privilege of coaching peers who needed help. And, in those days, the only Queensland teacher training colleges were in Brisbane!

The younger students were Pam’s delight, and reading, writing, art and drama were her passions. Following a transfer from home town to Tully on the beautiful Cassowary Coast Pam met a cane farmer who was also a conservationist and a bull dozer driver – a fascinating combination. She married Joe Galeano and they have two children and two grandchildren.

Pam appreciated the power of a good picture book when reading to her own children and when teaching.  She retired early to try writing them herself.

Joe Galeano has a deep love and understanding of his local environment developed through curiosity and alert observation – inspiring for a bookish, rather dreamy person. Pam has published five picture books about the Cassowary Coast animals of ‘Crocodile Joe’s’ real life stories.


Books by Pam Galeano

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