Ashgrove Historical Society

The Ashgrove Historical Society Inc. was incorporated as the Ashgrove-The Gap Heritage Association Inc. in 1999. It was re-launched as the Ashgrove Historical Society Inc. in May 2003 with new objects reflecting its changed role and focus.

Membership is open to all those people who have an interest in ensuring the history of Ashgrove and its historic features are not lost to time. The Society’s vision is broad, reflecting the full range of interests of its members from serious to social, all set within the context of preserving and recording the suburb’s history.

The Society aims to research, record, preserve, inform and generally entertain and entrance all those who join its ranks. Applicants for membership are welcome whether they bring nothing more than an interest in its aims, or those particular skills and experience that will allow its historical goals to be well met. It is a member of History Queensland Inc.

Book by Ashgrove Historical Society