Paul Crook

Paul was born in Brisbane and did an Honours degree in History at the University of Queensland, winning a medal and a scholarship to the London School of Economics and Political Science at London University, where he obtained a PhD. He was appointed Lecturer in History at UQ and subsequently Reader and Professor and being awarded a Doctorate of Letters. He is now an Emeritus Professor.

Paul has published widely on Anglo-American history and Darwinian themes. His books include Benjamin Kidd: Portrait of a Social Darwinist; Darwinism, War and History; Darwin’s Coat-Tails: Essays on Social Darwinism and Grafton Elliot Smith: Egyptology and the Diffusion of Culture. His latest book is Intellectuals and the Decline of Religion, published by Boolarong Press, Brisbane. It looks at a subject in which he has long been interested: the effect upon the main Christian churches of the forces of secularisation that had been set in motion during the Enlightenment and intensified during the 20th and 21st centuries.


Book by Paul Crook