Rod Fisher

Sadly Dr Rod Fisher suddenly passed away in 2017. He had taken a rare path to publishing and promoting the history and heritage of Brisbane.

Though growing up and teaching around Melbourne, he migrated to prairie Canada for more experience and then training which was continued at Cambridge. After coming to Brisbane in 1974, he lectured in Tudor history for years, but soon developed a yen for Brisbane’s past. From 1991 he directed the Centre for Applied History at the University of Queensland.

Rod was instrumental in founding the Brisbane History Group, which also publishes his works, and the Professional Historians Association of Queensland. He has served periodically as an assessor for the Queensland Heritage Council and as a member of the Brisbane City Council Heritage Advisory Committee – also as a consultant to community groups including the Brisbane Living Heritage Network, Turrbal Association and Brisbane History Group. The Queensland house component of one of the latest galleries of the National Museum at Canberra is based on his research.Since retiring early from academia in 2001, Rod also undertakes his own projects as a self-funded historian and UQ honorary consultant to postgraduate students and to the populace at large.The tie that binds all of these activities together is a fascination with what happened around Brisbane, what remains on the ground and what may be made publicly of them both – as this book attests.


Books by Rod Fisher