Bianka Vidonja Balazategui

Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui is an historian and historical consultant. Her published books include ‘Gentlemen of the Flashing Blade’ first published by JCU in 1990, and republished by Booralong Press.  Her academic research focuses on migration, sugar industry and local history, particularly that pertaining to the Herbert River Valley in tropical north Queensland where she lives.  Currently she is researching for a PhD in History at James Cook University, having previously graduated from JCU with a Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and a Master of Arts. The topic of her thesis is The Herbert River Farmers’ Association: ‘Clique of insignificant cockies’ or ‘agents of change’? Her consultancy work has included researching and writing story boards for installations and historical walks. Her work has given inspiration for, or material to, an ABC documentary, a play, a Queensland travelling photographic exhibition and an art installation in San Sebastian, Spain.




Books by Bianka Vidonja Balanzategui