Jackie Case

Jackie Case is a globally recognised, award-winning, fine artist, based in Melbourne. Through The Rebecca Hossack Gallery, she has exhibited all over the world including New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, and across her home country of Australia.

Originally, studying for a B.A Graphic Design/Advertising (RMIT)) Jackie was initially reluctant to show her drawing skills and would frequently ask her friends to hold her portfolio on the tram. However, after several years of travelling through Europe, and visiting as many galleries and museums she could afford, Case began drawings in earnest and finally had her first small solo exhibition downstairs at The Picture Box in Collingwood. Buoyed by this success, Case honed her craft by exhibiting in local cafés until she felt ready in 2012 to apply for The Affordable Art Fair Melbourne as an unrepresented artist.

Jackie lives with her beautiful family and rescue dog, who all love her, despite her unnatural need to sing karaoke whenever she pleases. www.jackiecase.com