
Two books – Rae & My Name is Sam

Original price was: $98.98.Current price is: $70.00.

M S Kelly


In the twentieth century, and all those before, there have been women who have fulfilled their chosen vocations as mothers, lovers, home-makers, partners, wells of compassion, sympathy and love, to men who have sought to fulfill their roles in a world where equality was a given and fundamental to the undertaking of raising a family — though perhaps not always as evident as some may wish. There was cooperation — a partnership and mutual understanding that served our human family well, and we prospered in our small and large communities.

Rae’s was a life devoted to her family, from whom she received great love and reason for pride, and she needed nothing more … other than her dreams.

Rae could be everyone’s mother, daughter, wife, confidante, soulmate, partner, lover, carer comforter and shoulder to cry on.

My Name is Sam

“Twenty-five, OMG! A quarter century already! A thousand experiences, but only a continuous blur, like two passing trains, when recalled.

One thing my parents learned from when I started to talk until I started school was that I talked … and talked … and held nothing back. I fought, I screamed, I entertained, I conversed, I engaged and I was beguiling. I was different and I knew it. I was a gift from God and a star, and it all came naturally.

My next twenty-five years will build on the bedrock of my formative years. I will be able to look back on them, whether as wife, mother, grandmother — and definitely as one of the twenty ‘must know’ people in Hong Kong — and see how these early events and experiences shape the person I will ultimately become.”



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